Debt Recovery
Does another business owe you money?
If so, then we can help your business by recovering that money.
Here is how the utilization of our services can
benefit your cash flow.
- It’s a fact that once a third party is involved in
pursuing an overdue debt, the debtor pays faster. This also
serves to emphasise to your debtors that your business will
not tolerate the abuse of your payment terms.
- “Persistence”, our in-house, system-enforced
collections-software allows us to diarize a regular communications
schedule with your debtor. Our collection team is focused
solely on debt chasing;hence no distractions occur that impede
contact with your debtor.
- In order to optimize your chances of recovery, we ensure
a constant evaluation process of the debt. Additional information
on your debtor is regularly sourced. We endeavor to obtain
mobile numbers, email addresses etc. and also resolve any
queries against the debtor’s legal status.
- Litigation advice: We will advise you candidly of your
prospects of success, should you process your claim through
the courts. Our aim is to prevent, at all costs, our clients
from throwing good money after bad.
- The effectiveness of our services ensures you an increased
cash-flow. The speedy recovery of your debts will also provide
you, or your collection team with more time to chase your
current debtors.
- Effective communication: We have structured our communications
in a way that suits a rapid collections department. The majority
of our communication is made by email, so that you or your
team can reply at your convenience. However, we are always
here, should you wish to pick up the phone.
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